Levels of Management


On 08.02.2024, the board of directors is made up of:

  • De Cannière Charles
  • De Spiegelaere Myriam
  • Decroix Eric
  • Ducarme Gaëlle
  • Jaumain Serge
  • Ris Laurence
  • Termonia Arnaud

The members of the general assembly are:

Matthieu Baudoux, Victor Brunfaut, Ralph Coeckelberghs, Yves Coppieters’t Wallant, Charles De Cannière, Pierre de Maret, Myriam De Spiegelaere, Frédéric Debaste, Eric Decroix, Philippe Donnen, Gaëlle Ducarme, Pierre Duez (adhérant), Mondher El Jaziri, Véronique Fontaine, Alain Godefroid, Philippe Goyens, Philippe Hennart (adhérant) , Paul Jacobs, Yvon Lammens, Jean Lejoly, Dominique Mertens, Carla Nagels, Julien Nahayo, Chantal Potvliege, Olivier Vandenberg, Georges Verhaegen (adhérant), Rudi Verheyen (adhérant), Michèle Wilmet.


Our accounts

Every year, we publish our income statement along with our balance sheet.

In accordance with the Belgian law for non-profit organisations, these accounts are always previously checked and approved on several occasions:

  • Audit and certification by the company auditor office Maillard, Dethier & Co, member of the RM2 Audit Support Belgium
  • Approval by the General Assembly
  • Inspection by the SPF Finances
  • Inspection by the European Union and by the DGD for the co-financed projects

The annual accounts are published and available for consultation on the website of the Banque Carrefour des entreprises (BCE), the company number is: 0415.627.875.

We also use the IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative) community platform.

Our activities

In addition to all the information available on the website, our activities are detailed in our annual activity report. External assessors evaluate all our projects regularly. The evaluation results and how we address recommendations are available here (please see “Évaluations”).

Moreover, we publish general information about the countries and regions where we work, our sectors and our staff on www.ong-livreouvert.be.

We are not listed on the websites vef-aerf.be, testament.be or bonnescauses.be since the amount of the annual membership fees is still prohibitively expensive for us.

Ethics and integrity

The ULB-Cooperation gives the highest priority to the values that it stands for. For this reason, the NGO has a charter and a code of conduct including all the core values, the expected behaviours and practices, and behaviours to be avoided by employees, representatives or volunteers.

The ULB-Cooperation has implemented piloting, administration, inspection, and information processes to ensure that activities are conducted effectively as well to guarantee a good management of financial resources and the well-being of co-workers, partners and beneficiaries. These include specific measures to prevent, detect and manage potential events that can damage the quality of the actions, the operational integrity and most importantly, the physical and psychological integrity of people involved. The executive team and the coordinating office must advise members and staff of the NGO on the key principles of internal checks and respect of integrity. Therefore, measures to advise, train and raise awareness among members and staff about the importance, characteristics and means to handle fraud and integrity issues have been implemented.

Reporting policies

Every partner or beneficiary who is victim or witness of violence or non-respect of his/her physical or moral integrity, of fraud or corruption by the staff of ULB-Cooperation is strongly encouraged to report this incident so that it can be handled by ULB-Cooperation hierarchy.

Several communication channels can be used depending on the gravity of the events and the people involved. These are outlined in a document aimed at our partners. A contact form is available on this website, but you can also send an email to info@ulb-cooperation.org.