North-South perspectives in the audiences
Changing one’s view of a problem, discovering other ways of approaching a scientific question, exchanging knowledge, bringing a more encompassing vision to a course theme and many other objectives are found behind what we call an “inter- discourse.”
What is an inter’discourse?
We take advantage of the presence in Belgium of academics (professors or doctoral students), professionals in the field from the South, or sometimes personnel from the Belgian associative world to build, with the lecturers of the University, a somewhat special course session. This activity allows, on the one hand, to enhance the knowledge of the South and on the other hand, to place the course in a framework close to concrete and different from the “ex-cathedra.”
While being part of the content of the course, the guest speaker approaches the subjects through the prism of his or her life, experiences, origins, and cultural and geopolitical realities – an additional dimension brought to the course, which reinforces knowledge.
Two examples? The issue of the rights of widowed women in the DRC can be addressed in a family law course; or discussing agroecology in a Spanish class with a Bolivian partner. So many intersections that make the “inter-discourse” project a great source of mutual enrichment.
Inter’discourses are one of the activities of the Education and Global Solidarity Citizenship project.