
PARISS: Project to support the integrated strengthening of the health system in North Kivu

PARISS, the Integrated Health System Strengthening Support Project, is strengthening the health system and improving its resilience to epidemic shocks in 2 health zones in North Kivu: Karisimbi and Nyiragongo.


Financial partner

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The province of North Kivu is located in the east of the DRCongo and has a population of around 10 million. The vast majority of the population lives below the poverty line, and infant mortality is very high, as is chronic malnutrition. Urbanisation is very high, but health coverage is not keeping pace and remains inadequate. What’s more, the province has been exposed for many years to violent and deadly armed conflicts, compounded by the risk of eruptions from the Nyiaragongo volcano (last to erupt in May 2021), and epidemic outbreaks such as Ebola and, more recently, Covid-19.





  1. Build the capacity of provincial and zonal authorities (in supervision, gender, infection prevention, laboratory)
  2. Improving the quality and availability of healthcare services
  3. Strengthen community dynamics


  1. To initiate the introduction of training, technical assistants and logistical resources for the DPS (Provincial Health Division) and the ECZ (Zone Management Teams).
  2. Ensure the use of harmonised performance monitoring tools (including gender)
  3. Support the operational monitoring of management teams
  4. Leading and coordinating infection control activities and practices
  5. Secure the input circuit
  6. Structuring diagnostic resources and epidemiological supervision
  7. Supporting the holistic care of VGBV (Victims of Gender-Based Violence) patients
  8. Ensure continuity of input supply
  9. Optimise care practices
  10. Consolidate the surveillance system (PCI and epidemiological surveillance)
  11. Initiate holistic care for VGBV victims, including legal clinics.

Expected impacts

The project will improve the organisational capacity and skills of the Provincial Health Division. It will also improve the quality and availability of care by increasing reception capacity, equipping and training staff, structuring management and setting up a sustainable economic model. Lastly, it will improve local people’s knowledge and autonomy in terms of epidemic prevention and control, and sexual and reproductive rights, particularly in relation to family planning and gender-based violence.

More than 500,000 people, including 260,000 women and 96,000 children under 5, will benefit directly from the project, and more than 700,000 people, including 381,000 women and 136,000 children under 5, will benefit indirectly.

Operational partners

  • AEDES (European Agency for Development and Health) is a consultancy firm specialising in public health. It has many years’ experience of supporting the health system in the DRC, enabling it to develop a large network of experts covering the various areas at stake in the implementation of the project: quality of care, supply and management of medicines, health information systems, computerisation of hospitals, support for health zones, etc.
  • Prospective et Coopération, a cooperative association which aims to promote innovative policies and practices. It is based on the mobilisation of a multi-disciplinary and pluralist network from the North and South, bringing together a wide range of expertise to respond flexibly and creatively to the needs of those involved in international cooperation.
  • ASRAMES (Association régionale d’approvisionnement en médicaments essentiels), a regional drug distribution centre with a mandate to ensure the availability and accessibility of essential medicines to the entire population in its area of activity (North Kivu and beyond).
  • EUP FASS (Etablissement d’Utilité Publique Fonds d’Achats des Services), an operational foundation that manages funding for health services and care, with a view to improving access to health services for the population of North Kivu province.
  • CFNK (Centre de formation continue du Nord-Kivu), whose mission is to strengthen provincial trainers and provide ongoing training in technical, social and managerial skills for provincial medical and nursing staff. The CFNK’s approach is characterised by its expertise in adult education and its use of cutting-edge simulation techniques.


9.000.000 €


4 years: 01.10.2022 -30.09.2026