Developing the forests
The association’s agents, with the support of ULB-Cooperation, are helping to draw up development and management plans for the three forests, in collaboration with the local people, who have been made aware of the importance of sustainable forest management. The plans are drawn up based on a forest inventory designed to assess the specific potential of each forest, the density of the vegetation and its level of regeneration.
Threats and constraints are identified. A specific management plan has been put forward, to suit the environmental and socio-political contexts of each protected area. The association also educates and trains village committees in the rules surrounding management plans. It trains the eco-guards in the various aspects of their work: management, participatory planning, specific legislation, logging techniques, data collection, equipment, etc. It sets up reforestation actions and plants trees, using species such as moringa, cashew and mangrove. The organisation also sets up a monitoring and bushfire control system, and is responsible for putting up signs and marking out blocks and plots.