Support for the establishment of an accreditation system in North Kivu



Setting up an accreditation system for structures or certain health personnel can, if properly designed, improve the quality of care offfered to the population.

Objective Pursued

Support the province in setting up an accreditation system adapted to the context of the health system in the DRC and North Kivu.


Completed Actions

  • Development of an accreditation strategy involving provincial actors and those at the central level of the Ministry
  • Definition of accreditation bodies
  • Development of health service accreditation grids by the DPS with a view to eligibility for specific subsidies (FASS)
  • Development of accreditation standards and accreditation guides for hospital structures.


  • 47 health facilities having accessed the FASS subsidy after authorization by the DPS in the city of Goma and in the health zone of Rutshuru
  • Increased use of authorized services
  • Appropriation of authorization tools by the authorities of the Ministry of Health

Operational partners

DPS Nord Kivu, Équipes cadres des zones de santé sous appui PRODS, EUP FASS.

Financial partners

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